Summer Adventure Driving Program
We are so excited to offer ten fun filled weeks to our cubs! Below is a simple breakdown of each week's theme and adventure.
We have cars that leave from both Infinity Farm in Issaquah and Lakemont Park in Bellevue, Wa.
This schedule is tentative to change in the case of adventuring closures or weather.
Important Information:
In order for your child to be eligible your kiddo needs to be at least 3 years old by June 2025, be fully potty trained, and not need a mid-day nap.
Driving Adventures will only be offered to Students on a Monday - Friday Schedule.
All 10 weeks: $550/week
Weekly: $600/week
The Driving Adventures will be offered all 10 weeks of summer camp.
June 23rd, 2025 - August 29th, 2025
Drop-Off is from 8:30 - 9 am and Pick-Up is from 3:30-3:45pm
Week 1: Animals
June 23rd - June 27th
Monday- Sammamish Animal Sanctuary
Tuesday- Red Barn Farm
Wednesday- Cougar Mountain Zoo
Thursday: Kelsey Farm
Friday: Point Defiance Zoo
Week 2: Water Week
June 30th - July 3rd
Monday: Canoeing in the Washington Arboretum
Tuesday: Carkeek Beach
Wednesday: Timberlake Park Kayaking
Thursday: Sammamish Beach Day
Friday: NO CAMP
Week 3: Into the City Week
July 7th- July 11th
Monday: Seattle Aquarium & Pike's Adventure
Tuesday: Seattle Zoo
Wednesday: Burke Museum
Thursday: Seattle PlayDate
Friday: Chocolate Factory Tour
Week 4: Farm to Fork!
July 14th- July 18th
Monday: Bellagio's Backyard Farm
Tuesday: Henna Blueberries
Wednesday: Mimsy Meadow
Thursday: Remlinger Farm
Friday: Infinity Farm
Week 5: Colors in Nature Week!
July 21st- July 25th
Monday: Oxbow Farm Discovery
Tuesday: Maple Valley Produce & Mimsy Baking
Wednesday: Cascade Rose Alpaca Farm
Thursday: Maris Farm
Friday: Remlinger Farm
Week 6: Science
July 28th- August 1st
Monday: Kidsquest
Tuesday: Pacific Science Center
Wednesday: Reptile Zoo
Thursday: Seattle Children's Museum
Friday: Messy Explosion Science at Infinity
Week 7: On The Go!
August 4th - August 8th
Monday: Train Park in Issaquah
Tuesday: Derby & Rocket Day
Wednesday: Wild Waves
Thursday: Museum of Flight
Friday: Tukwila Family Fun Center
Week 8: Art Week
August 11th- August 15th
Monday: Animal Art (Australian Animal Encounters To Us & Fun Accompanied Art)
Tuesday: Mudhouse Pottery
Wednesday: Cooking
Thursday: Messy Art
Friday: Bob's Sunflower Festival
Week 9: Movement Week
August 18th - August 22nd
Monday- Funtastic Playtorium
Tuesday- High Trek Adventures (Ropes Course)
Wednesday- Hands on Children's Museum
Thursday- Bowling & Batting Cages (Toddler Tees)
Friday- Rock Hounding & River Finds
Week 10: Nature Week
August 25th - August 29th
Monday: Carkeek
Tuesday:RattleSnake Ledge Hike
Wednesday: Twin Falls Trail
Thursday: Snoqualmie Falls Trail
Friday: Discovery Park
We'll have fun scavenger hunts, slow exploration and picnics along the way!